da Paolo Brini: Pensieri durante una domenica di sangue
Dichiarazione di Indipendenza del Cyberspazio di J.P. Barlow. Ci ha dato l’ispirazione nel 1996, ci dà forza oggi. A Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace by @JPBarlow. It inspired us in 1996, it gives us strength today. http://goo.gl/6cP7s Date: Fri, 9 Feb 1996 17:16:35 +0100 To: barlow@eff.org From: John Perry Barlow Subject: A Cyberspace Independence Declaration […]
Goldfinger – Open Your Eyes
Apri gli occhi Alle milioni di bugie Che ti dicono ogni giorno Apri la tua mente Alla maschera più intelligente Che utilizzano gli annunci pubblicitari Come sanno Ciò che è bene per te? Svegliati svegliati, whoa Svegliati, svegliati whoa Una pallottola in testa Sarebbe meglio che morissero Ti sveglierai, sveglierai?, whoa Distruggi tutta la terra […]
watch?v=Iro07OHIk8c a berlino la bici va in metro. a milano no. scusateci!
End Summer Camp – Venezia – September 3rd-5th 2010
END SUMMER CAMP 2K10 September 3rd-5th 2010 FORTE BAZZERA via Bazzera, +∞ Venezia Tessera (Venice, Italy) What ESC is a meeting of people interested in Free Software, Hacking, Security. Contents are always work in progress on this wiki, and are created by partecipants. [ CONTENTS ] How According to our"MUD" (Miscere Utile […]
infoAnarchy wiki February 15, 2010 Anonymity/Filesharing: I2P 0.7.11 released. I2P is an anonymizing network, offering a simple layer that identity-sensitive applications can use to securely communicate. All data is wrapped with several layers of encryption, and the network is both distributed and dynamic, with no trusted parties. –MrWhite 03:58, 8 March 2010 (CET) […]
Google’s New Logo With Pacman Game! Pacman 30th anniversary! woot
LOLPiracy — 21 maggio 2010 — Google is honoring the 30th anniversary of the classic video game Pac-Man with a "Google Doodle" logo that doubles as a fully playable version of the game, complete with what I remember as the correct sound effects. Just click the "Insert Coin" button to start playing, use your keyboard’s […]