Surce :
Anonymous: Operation Italy part2 – Target: Surprise
Join #opitaly the 02/13/2011 at 12 GMT PM
Attention Please: citizens of the world
Anonymous will soon strike again.
We are determined to continue our protest.
Anonymous represent the voice of the people,and that voice has clearly spoken against the current Italian government.
Italian people deserve something better than faggot Berlusconi and his political class.
The ruling political party in Italy stand against everything that Anonymous consider worthwhile:
freedom of expression,freedom of press,and a freely accessible and uncensored internet being only some of those universally granted rights.
We are not willling to set deadlines for our protest;it will endure until all our requests are met by the Italian Government,without exceptions.
It’s despicable that the italian gov is trying to prevent his citizens from benefiting from the free-flow of information that internet should give to everyone
Berlusconi is constantly changing and making new laws as much as he like only just to protect himelf and his business while gives no care at all to his citizens.
Girls all over the world are demostrating against his personal behaviour. (Fucking Underage girls for money)
The Italian citizens and the whole world are not amused by the patetic attempt by the gov to maintain the grip on power,
we are NOT terrorists,we do not like or endorse violence,we do not seek to overthrown any political institution.
We simply request OUR rights.
One of them is: being led and ruled by a PM whom interest is serving his citizens.
We are Anonymous
We are Legion
We do not forgive injustice
We do not forget freedom
Expect us -always-
Anonymous, lettera aperta ai cittadini italiani.
Gentili cittadini italiani,
Noi siamo gli Anonymous, un gruppo internazionale di attivisti che si batte per i diritti umani. Ci siamo battuti e ci battiamo ancora per la libertà di informazione, espressione e ci scagliamo senza pietà contro chi sfrutta i mass media per convertire forzatamente l’opinione della gente e contro chi usa la censura e nega la controcultura e il giornalismo vero. Siamo contro lo sfruttamento delle persone, l’illegalità, la mancanza di rispetto verso la gente, la vita e contro i regimi classisti.
Questi sono i giorni in cui la vostra lotta si fa forte della vostra voglia di libertà, questo è il giorno in cui voi donne, il cuore pulsante della nostra società, prendete spirito, mente e passione e scendete in piazza per protestare contro un sistema che vi strumentalizza. Bene, in questo giorno di amore, rabbia e passione, noi Anonymous, spinti dai vostri stessi sentimenti di rivalsa, combatteremo al vostro fianco.
ll 13 Febbraio, mentre tante persone in Italia saranno in piazza a protestare, anche noi sferreremo il nostro attacco. Per voi, per noi, per l’Italia.
We are Anonymous. YOU are Anonymous.
We do not forgive injustice.
We do not forget Freedom.
Expect us.
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